I’ll admit I’m coming into this conversation with a bit of a bias. I’m a professional photographer and get paid to take and edit photos. But I have also been a home buyer and seller and many of my close friends are Real Estate agents and Brokers as well. I knew the importance of representing a listing in the best possible light long before I ever got into photography. I’m also a Realtor® and you can bet that high quality photos are a top priority for all my listings.
The short version is this, professional photos can and do make a difference in getting a home sold faster. As a listing agent you want excellent quality images with good composition, good lighting, and post processing that pops but is not overdone.

I wanted to be an architect when I was a kid. I have always loved looking at homes and floorplans. I browse through architectural magazines and Real Estate listings regularly and look at the photos. The ones that always draw my attention first are the ones that were professionally photographed. There is something about them that just draws you in which is exactly what you want potential buyers to do. When I was looking to buy a home I was amazed by some of the poor quality photos representing some of the houses on the market. One listing featured several photos with the family dog. On the couch, by the pool, and on a chair. I was starting to wonder if the dog came with the house.
Many photos showed houses in varying stages of clutter in which no effort was made to clean up or at least move things out of the way for the few minutes it takes to get a picture. It left a bad impression on me and I was less likely to want to see the home. I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that photos or not, clutter and messy homes are a big no no when trying to sell a property. Take a look through some listings and see for yourself. Which photos are the ones that pull you in and make you want to see more? These are the kind of photos you will need to compete in a crowded marketplace.

If there is one area where professional photos make a huge difference it is luxury homes. If you are listing a luxury home hiring a professional photographer is an absolute must. There is a good deal of money at stake with these homes and this is where it’s extremely important to have a firm grasp on both the technical and artistic side of photography. A pro level camera, extra lighting, an excellent eye for composition, knowing when to use natural vs. artificial light, and advanced editing skills are needed to present luxury homes in a way that will attract the attention of high end buyers. High end buyers often come from out of state and don’t want to waste time looking at home after home. You want to put your best foot forward and have a set of images that make a prospective buyer say “THIS is the house I want to see.”

If you’re a Real Estate Agent or Broker and are unwilling to spend the money, or have sellers that aren’t ready to spend a few extra dollars, then you need to take some time to learn the basics of photography. By that I mean taking your camera off automatic mode and getting familiar with shutter speed and aperture and what each one does and how they work together to create a properly exposed image. Learn what ISO is and what the tradeoffs are when you use a higher number to boost the available light. Read up on image composition and how to make the most of both large and small spaces. Research lenses and learn what the difference a 16mm wide angle lens vs. a 24mm lens makes. What direction does the home face? Would it be better to photograph the exteriors in the morning or evening? You absolutely must invest in a sturdy tripod. Sounds overwhelming doesn’t it? It’s not as easy as people think it is. If you don’t have the time or desire to learn the basics then it’s time to turn it over to a professional.

As a Real Estate Agent or Broker you have enough on your plate without having to worry about taking and editing photos as well. Your focus needs to be on marketing your listings and bringing in buyers. If you’re an agent who also shows properties you spend a good deal of time driving clients from property to property. When it comes time to make a sale you must deal with presenting offers, negotiations, inspections, last minute problems, and the occasional high maintenance client (not exclusive to any industry BTW). If you’re lucky enough, many of these things will be happening at the same time even as you’re trying to juggle new listings. Hiring a photographer means one less responsibility on your shoulders freeing up your time to focus on other things.

Many people think that taking photos is easy or doesn’t require much skill. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Like you, I have spent quite a bit of time learning my profession. Years, in fact. I have studied, practiced, and made mistakes…and learned from them. I too have deadlines, contracts to get signed, and must deliver a quality product. Many is the time I’ve pulled an all nighter to deliver photos to a client on time. I think one thing Real Estate professionals and Photographers have in common is that if we got paid for the actual number of hours we worked nobody would be able to afford us.
Customer service skills are also important. Customer service is key to success in any profession and photography is no exception. If you don’t have customer service skills you’ll be out of business faster than your shutter can click. Shop around. Get references and make sure that the photographer you hire is on the same page as you and is willing to listen to your needs. Look at their work and see if their style matches your vision. Every human being has a different and unique skillset and nobody can do everything. Try to do too many things and something will suffer as a result. Hiring someone who is an expert in their field and passionate about what they do will ensure that you get the best results possible. Also important, make sure they have a record of showing up on time. It’s very awkward when you’re sitting with your seller waiting for the photographer to show up. That will not endear you to your seller.

Will a home sit on the market and not sell because of poor quality photos? Of course not. However, professional quality photos will most definitely capture your prospective buyer’s attention faster than poorly shot or edited images and result in a faster sale more often than not. People spend good money to stage a home so why not spend a few extra dollars and hire a professional photographer to capture the true beauty and potential of a home? People respond to visuals and before they actually see a home in person the only thing they have as a reference are the photos. Photography is about emotion, sales is about emotion, and buying a home is one of the most important and emotional decisions a person can make in life. Whichever way you go about it, get good quality photos and your listing will practically sell itself.
~ Mark
Realtor® at Southern Key Realty
Owner at Visual Voyages Real Estate Photography
All images ©Visual Voyages Real Estate Photography
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Mark O’Byrne is a professional Real Estate and Fine Art photographer based out of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Mark is also a ®Realtor and is a lifelong resident of Florida. Mark’s clients have included National Geographic, Animal Planet, BBC, and the Discovery Channel. Other clients include the Mai Kai Restaurant, the Pirate Republic Bar and Grill, C2Eventz Destination Management, Southern Key Realty, Atlantic Shores Realty Expertise, Keller Williams Realty Professionals, and RE/MAX Park Creek.